A while back I made the acquaintance of Jennifer Grant, at the time she was working at the BBC in London producing some fine publications for the Beeb. After a short time sorting out Harrods on-line business prior to it sale she found herself at a loose end, so this ambitious New Yorker set up a stationery company to produce bespoke stationery for clients who don't want something special but want something that is beyond special.
The company named after her 2 cats (Romeo and Jules) has recently gone online to show case her work. These lovely designs enhanced by the letter press process are not just lovely to look at but gorgeous to hold and feel. If you are considering having some bespoke stationery made then I can't praise Jennifer's work more highly. To see her website go to www.romeoandjulesstationery.com
There you may be able to spot some works produced by me, which are shown in the pictures above taken by Karen Thomas photography.